An initial diagnosis reveals that out of approximately 1044 nuns more than half were without social security coverage. This reality pushes the Major Superiors to create the ESI component which initially concerned people with a consecrated life, thanks to the support of the EMI (Entraide Missionnaire Internationale).
On the other hand, Burkina Faso is one of the West African countries where public health indicators remain at their lowest and where life expectancy at birth is 53 years. These indicators vary according to regions and socio-professional categories.
With regard to its current organization, ASIENA has commissioned a study mission for an institutional transformation process of the ESI department which allows the ESI department to comply with the law governing mutual health institutions in Burkina Faso on the one hand, and on the other hand to bring ESI to have more performance in its organization, its management and the offer of its services to the local populations.
The conclusions of the study showed the need for a reorganization and an improvement of the contributions of the ESI/BN department.
Thus, the Board of Directors of the Mutuelle ASIENA by deliberation dated September 30, 2021 decided to choose the delegation of health insurance management to the company Managed Care International (MCI) for a probationary period of three (3) years enabling him to better organize the internal management of the ASIENA mutual insurance company. On October 28, the AG of ASIENA in turn validated the choice of CA, namely the management solution delegated to MCI.
Evolution of ESI-BN membership over the last five years